Monday, 10 March 2014

Awkward eye contact and other awkward contact

You might be thinking, "What is this other awkward contact?" I'll get to that later so read on.

Let's start with awkward eye contact. It happens to everyone (Don't lie, remember that one time with the window cleaner just after you got out of the shower?). Sometimes you'll just be looking at someone you like but haven't spoken to yet, they'll turn around and look into your eyes, and it all gets awkward from there. Either that or it turns into the perfect love story where as soon as you look into each other's eyes you instantly fall in love and are destined to be together. In reality you look away as fast as you can then realise that in doing so it made it look like you were staring for a good two minutes. Mix awkward eye contact and lifts and you have a situation which will make the best of people cringe.

On a similar note, you know when you just zone out and are just staring into the distance? Well you better check where you are looking because there is a good chance that you could be staring right at someone. They will have no idea you have just zoned out and could be a little freaked out. Oh, and from a guy's perspective, if you zone out while looking at a female just be very careful where you are looking. Yeah, that's happened before.

Now the "other awkward contact". Sometimes you can just be walking along without a care in the world, the sun will be out, everyone will be happy and then your hand brushes against someone else's. Unless you are close to this person it is never a good situation. Now, you can't look and say sorry because, not only will there be yet more awkward eye contact, you will most likely mess up your words and make the situation more awkward. You just have to move on and accept that it happened.

To some, this can be a daily occurrence in one form or another. All I can say for sure is that these situations are most definitely awkward. They can probably be avoided but if one of them happens to yourself you just have to, without it sounding too clichéd, keep calm and carry on.

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